Crusade Prayer (97) To unite Crusade Prayer Groups

My children, you must seek out the comfort of each other, as you gather, at every corner of the earth, to form My Son’s Remnant Army.

“O beloved Mother of Salvation, I implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of God’s Remnant Army,throughout the world.

Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups with the Grace of Salvation, poured out upon us, through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Send your angels to cover each one of us, and especially, those priests who lead the Crusade Prayer Groups.

Help us to avoid the distractions, which cause division amongst us, and protect us with your gift of armour, so that we become immune to the attacks, which we will have to endure, because of our love for Jesus Christ, in this Holy Mission to save souls. Amen.”

View full message here 

Crusade of Prayers – Number Ninety Seven from Lauran 08 on Vimeo.