I need you just as you need Me

My dearly beloved daughter, it is I, your Jesus, your Redeemer who speaks.

So many people who read these messages are fearful. Fear brings with it a form of hatred because so many do not want to acknowledge Me. Fear is understandable but must not be allowed to cloud your trust. I only call out to you so you will come to Me. I have no desire to cause you anguish. Your time on earth is short-lived but the time you will spend with Me is for eternity. Continue reading

The Day when I come in My Divine Mercy will be the day of enlightenment

DivnemercyMy dearly beloved daughter, I call out to My beloved followers, at this special time, to come to Me and allow Me to cover them with My Precious Blood. I gave up My Life on earth as a token of My Great Mercy and I will move the mountains, the oceans and shake the earth as I come, once again, to bring all of you to Me.

I love you and bring you great Blessings and comfort as I prepare you for my Time. Allow your hearts to welcome Me. Allow My Love for you to infiltrate the hearts of all God’s children including those who persecute you in My Holy Name.

I bring you peace this Christmas and assure you that My Time is very near.  I will come soon to reveal to you My Mercy.

To those of you who despise Me through this Mission I will pierce your hardened hearts with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Soon, any doubts you may have will flee and your burden will be lifted. Until then, you will endure the pain of separation from Me, which has been imposed upon you by the king of lies, who rejoices at your rejection of Me. Do not resist Me, My beloved ones, for I love you with a relentless longing. Continue reading

Oh what joy it would bring Me were they to turn to Me on Christmas Day

My dearly beloved daughter, this is a message for the world, for Christmas Day. As all of you celebrate My Birthday, allow Me to enter your heart on this special day – for this day is Mine.

Invite Me into your home as a favoured guest and introduce Me to those amongst your family, friends and neighbours, who may have forgotten about Me.

Christmas may be a celebration about Me, but I Am ignored amidst the great rejoicings, which take place. Allow mention of Me to gladden your hearts, to bring you joy and to bring you hope for the future – a future I secured for you from the day I was born. Continue reading

Every man possesses traits of My Father

GodsimageMy dearly beloved daughter, despite the days of darkness, which lie ahead, as the world is purged of sin, and when I will be rejected as being no longer relevant, I Am a God of Great Mercy.

I remind you that I forgive easily and love everyone with every part of My Being, although many torment Me with their indifference and their hatred of Me.  I accept the fact that I Am not loved like I once was and that the faith of My people has turned cold because this was foretold.

My Duty now is to relieve man from the slavery imposed upon him by Satan, through temptation. As long as man does not believe in Satan – the greatest scourge facing humanity – he will not accept My Goodness, My Love or My Existence. Continue reading

Accept the Truth given to you in the Book of Revelation

Featured Image -- 24371My dearly beloved daughter, when prophecies were given to God’s children, from the beginning, they created fear in the hearts of men. This was because of the doubts that existed in the minds of those who did not believe in God and the comfort that man felt in his natural earthly surroundings.   It was easier to accept a life of imperfection than to believe in one that existed in the supernatural.

God did not send His prophets to frighten His children. He sent them to warn them of the dangers of creating a deep gulf between man and God. If that gulf became wide enough, so that the majority of souls rejected God, then He always intervened in order to save them. God has always intervened through His prophets and it was through His prophets that God was able to educate His children in the Ways of the Lord.

Without God’s prophets man would not have been given the Truth. What God gives His people, through the written Word, let no man pull it asunder. Continue reading

Compare Me to a mother who has to separate from her child at birth

Nativity_SceneMy dearly beloved daughter, I bring you and all of My beloved followers great Blessings today. My Heart bursts with love for you all. I realize that your journey to serve Me can be very difficult at times, but I desire to let you know that I Am guiding you every second. There is not one trial that you may face which cannot be surmounted. Therefore, if you feel helpless and fearful, you must not give up and when you trust in Me all will seem easier. 

Compare Me to a mother who has to separate from her child at birth and who can never see this child again during her lifetime. The mother will never forget that child and spends every day pining for her flesh and blood in the hope that she will reunite with her baby at some stage. Every day that child is in her thoughts; she prays for his or her wellbeing and feels a permanent pain, deep within her heart, for her loss. Nothing will ever satisfy her, until she embraces that child once again in her arms. She has great patience, great hope and a deep longing to come face to face with the child she expelled from her womb and does not mind the years in between. All that matters to her is that she and her child become whole again – one entwined with the other. Continue reading

I pine for them. Without them, I cannot feel whole

childrenofGodMy dearly beloved daughter, when I give you the Gift to see God’s children, everywhere you go, through the Eyes of God, it is for a reason.

Every time you see a young child and feel My Love surge through your veins, this is My Love for them. When you see a teenager walking and laughing with his friends and feel a surge of maternal love for him, then know that this is the Love of God you are feeling. When you see older people and still feel this love, this again, is My Love you feel.

When you look at those souls who cause terrible grief upon others, through their wickedness, and you feel pity for them, know too, that this is My Love, which courses through you. Know that those who defy Me in every way, still fill Me with Love for them, for how could I deny them? They are Mine. I love them. I cry for them. I pine for them. I Am sick with worry for them. How they cause Me such terrible pain, but I will fight the evil one, right to the very last breath they take on this Earth, for these sorry souls. Continue reading

Love only comes from Me. Hatred does not

this-is-my-commandment-that-ye-love-one-another-as-i-have-loved-you1My dearly beloved daughter, it will be by the Power of Love that humanity can and will be saved. The Love I speak of is God’s Love, which flows in the hearts of mankind. God’s Love is present in the hearts of all His children, including those who deny Him. It will be your love for one another, which will sustain you during the trials, which lie ahead. Show love and charity to your neighbour and be kind to the poor, the weak and the helpless and I will make you Mine for eternity.

To those amongst you who deal harshly with others, who inflict pain on those over whom you rule and who whisper malice about others, you will be like empty vessels with nothing to offer Me.

You must always follow My Teachings. Love only comes from Me. Hatred does not. Those who say they honour Me and speak evil of others, although they claim to uphold My Word and guard My Name – they do not honour Me. Continue reading

My dearest wish is that you seek out the souls of the young

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love for those young people of every nation, colour and creed, who do not acknowledge Me, is everlasting. My sorrow for these little souls of Mine is deep. They are to be prayed for, especially now. I will take them into My Mercy, without hesitation, if you ask Me through this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (106) Mercy for the young who don’t acknowledge God

Dear Jesus, take under Your protection the souls of these children of God who do not know You, who do not acknowledge Your Love and who do not accept Your Promise. Pour out Your grace of conversion and give them eternal life.Be merciful to all those who do not believe in Your Presence and who will not seek remorse for their sins. Amen. Continue reading

Paganism is rampant and a fascination with the occult is being encouraged

My dearly beloved daughter I love all God’s children but, at this time, the level of darkness which sweeps the world means that I weep with worry because of the state of their  souls.

So few understand the Truth of their future life which awaits them in the New Era of Peace, in the world to come. The world without end.

If they could only see it, touch it, savour it and witness the love and peace which lies ahead they would pray to Me every second of the day begging Me for the right to enter this New World, the New Era, the New Beginning. Continue reading