Mother of Salvation: Beware of the man, who declares himself to be the Son of Man

10commandments judgmentMy dear child, it has been foretold that many false prophets will arise and that, during this time, they will spread untruths about the Word of God.

They will arise in their hundreds of thousands and be endorsed by those who claim to represent my Son’s servants. They will preach in small, as well as large, groups and you will know them by the false prophecies, which they will reveal to the world. They will be seen as very holy people, and some will say that they have great healing powers of the flesh as well as the spirit. Some will wear the garments of holy men and they will promote a new missal, which will deviate from the Truth.

Many people will be confused by their teachings, as they will mix their false claims with part of the Truth. One of their objectives will be to be seen to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Christ and they will create great anticipation of this event amongst my Son’s followers.

But, it will not be my Son, Jesus Christ, they will be preparing God’s children to welcome.

No. It will be the antichrist.

Grave errors, will be revealed by them in connection with the Book of Revelation as they will twist the contents of this Holy Book.holy_bible

Few will know that they are being fed lies and the greatest untruth, which they will proclaim, will be this. They will say that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, will make Himself known in the world soon. That He will come in the flesh. That he will walk amongst His people and that He will raise them up on the last day. This could never happen for my Son, who came in the flesh, the first time, through His Birth, will never come in the flesh at His Second Coming.

Beware of the man, who declares himself to be the Son of Man, who calls you to him, for he will not be from God. My Son will come in the clouds just as He left the earth during His Ascension into Heaven so, too, will it be on the last day.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Many lay people will be elevated by My enemies and taught how to evangelise

My dearly beloved daughter come what may, the True Word of God will still be kept alive, although it will only be upheld by a remnant of My Church.

The false prophets, foretold, will rise in their multitudes to spread lies, through a deceitful global form of evangelism. They will be given authority by those who claim to represent Me, so as to entice millions into their new, so called, modernised version of My Holy Church on earth. Oh how they will mislead so many with their twisted version of My Word, which will disguise many heresies. Only the astute will recognise these untruths, for they will be carefully hidden within a false doctrine, which will be seen to be a breath of fresh air. Continue reading

Among the evangelists, there will rise many false prophets.

divine-mercy-sundayMy dearly beloved daughter, soon the changes I foretold, concerning My Church on earth, will be revealed.The secular sects will shortly attempt to take everything, which My followers hold sacred, and introduce a new modern movement, within the Church. This modernism, they will say, will be  to help recruit new sacred servants and to introduce more acceptable formats of giving glory to God, so that a new younger generation can be drawn back into the Churches of God.

All of these new rituals, prayers and forums – which they will present as a new and more modern interpretation of My Holy Word – will mask an empty doctrine and it will not be of Me. The new movement will be promoted as part of global evangelism, where the false doctrine, which will be carefully worded, so that it is seen to be theologically perfect, will entice millions. So many people will be drawn into this form of modernism and because of this, they will turn away from the True Faith. In what will be seen to be a radical revival of the Christian faith, it will denounce the Truth.

Many will be deceived and among the evangelists, there will rise many false prophets. These false prophets will promote false Christianity, which will replace the Holy Gospels, as laid down by Me and My Apostles. As the voices of apostasy are heard in every country, in different tongues and amongst different races, the True Word of God will be forgotten about. And, from the lips of these false prophets and self-proclaimed preachers of the faith, will pour many lies. My Scripture will be declared to be out of touch with the needs of mankind and desires of people living in the 21st Century.

For many people, their lack of faith in Me, has meant that they have had no interest in My Holy Word, up to now.  Soon, they will turn and enthusiastically embrace the greatest deceit the world will have ever witnessed. And while many will grasp, what they will believe to be a refreshing revival of Christianity, all that they will be fed, will be dictated by the enemies of God.

Let it be known, that man can never live on false doctrine and it will bring about total destruction in its wake, when souls will be devoured by  blasphemy. That which does not come from Me, will lead to a global group, which will be applauded by people everywhere.  Then, the time will have come for the new world religion to be announced and welcomed into My Church. This will then lead to the antichrist taking up his seat of honour in My Church, as foretold, when he will be invited in as an honoured guest by those who work in complete subjugation to Satan.

To those of you who will be tempted to indulge in this false doctrine, I warn you that man cannot live on bread alone but only on the Word, which comes from the Mouth of God.

Your Jesus



Soon, a man will come and tell you he is revealing to you the Truth of My Existence

My dearly beloved daughter, My Wisdom is of Divine Origin and man is incapable of understanding the extent of Who I Am.

I impart enough knowledge, given through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, to mankind. My Teachings were given to the world in a simple format so that every man could understand the Truth. Wisdom from God is never complicated and is given so that man receives the clarity needed, to prepare his soul for My Kingdom. Love is pure. Love is simple. True love is reciprocated. It is My only desire that souls respond to My Love so that they will, empowered by the Gift of the Holy Spirit, understand, in an instant, what is required of them, so that they can be part of My Kingdom. Continue reading

You will know these traitors by their symbolic gestures, which insult My Divinity

carrying-the-crossMy dearly beloved daughter, those who are My enemies are not those who do not believe in Me. No, they are the ones who know well Who I Am, but who hate Me. Not all of them understand why they hate Me, but they can be divided into two camps. 

The first group dislikes the Truth. They enjoy participating in sinful pursuits, justify every wicked deed and act, and satisfy only their own lusts, at the expense of others’ needs. They care only for themselves and imitate every trait of the devil. Then, there are those who know Who I Am and What I Am, but who completely reject Me, in favour of Satan, under whose spell they have become entrapped. These are the people who will do, not only everything which is the opposite to what I taught them, but who will always insult Me, at every opportunity.

Just as satanic worship involves symbols, these traitors of Mine will taunt Me, by placing such wicked symbols of the devil before Me. For every ritual they participate in, in order to worship Satan, they will desecrate My Cross and everything to do with My Passion. You will know these traitors by their symbolic gestures, which insult My Divinity. Soon, those of you with eyes that can see the Truth will be able to distinguish between those who truly serve Me and those who do not. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Those sacred servants who are loyal to Me, will honour Me during Holy Week, by their humble gestures, including lying prostrate before My Holy Cross and placing their lips with a sealed kiss upon My Feet. Their focus will be all about Me, Jesus Christ, My death on the Cross and My Promise to redeem man from sin. But know this. From Holy Week, this year, the cracks will appear and the meaning of My Crucifixion will be twisted. New interpretations will be presented before the faithful and lies will pour forth from the mouths of My enemies. My Passion will be mocked in subtle ways and will not be immediately apparent. But when the focus moves from My death on the Cross and when strange gestures take place in My Churches, you will know that this is the beginning of the dismantling of My Church on Earth. 

When Satan attacks humanity, his first focus will always be on the family, because the family represents all that is of My Father. He will destroy marriages, change the meaning of what marriage is, encourage abortion, seduce people into committing suicide and he will divide and break up families. Then he will destroy and break up My Family – My Church on Earth, for that is what he swore he would do to Me at the final hour. He has already begun to dismantle My Church and he will not stop, until it has collapsed in a heap at My Feet. My Father has permitted a destroyer, in the form of the antichrist, to do this, but only so far can he go. My Church is My Family and, while a large proportion of God’s children will leave to follow a restructured false church, many will still cling to Me and so My Church – My Body – cannot die.

agony_in_the_garden_s1Please do not desert Me, My beloved followers. You must not succumb to this deviousness. If you love Me, you must remind yourselves of everything that I taught you.

Accept nothing new, when it comes to My Holy Word.

I will never condone one word that did not come from My Sacred Lips. Nor should you.

You are either for Me or against Me.

Accept any new interpretation of My Word, which is contained in Holy Scriptures, and you will betray Me. Once you do this, you will swallow a whole new doctrine, which will destroy your soul.

I love you and if you truly love Me you will always remain loyal to My Word, which will never change.

Anyone who says that he comes in My Name – be he a sacred servant, a leader in My Church or a prophet – and declares My Word to be a lie, is not of Me.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: Many will believe the antichrist to be a very holy man

crossofchristMy child, were my Son, Jesus Christ, to walk the Earth at this time, He would be assassinated. No official in His Church would accept Him. He would become a laughing stock, then feared and so despised that they would have Him crucified, just as before.

This time my Son comes in Spirit only and by the Command of my Father, He will not appear on Earth as a man, in the flesh.

I urge that this Message is made clear to all, for many will come in His Name, but one of them will rise to prominence and say that he is my Son, but this will be a lie.

The antichrist will rise and become so powerful that his image will be seen everywhere. Statues will be erected in his image and his face will appear constantly on news and television screens around the world. He will be applauded by the most powerful leaders, but it won’t be until he is openly welcomed and then endorsed by the false prophet that he will truly exert his influence over humanity.

Were my Son to make Himself known in the flesh again and command attention, they would destroy Him. The antichrist will, however, be welcomed into the world and be mistaken for Jesus Christ.

Every Word contained in the Bible, regarding the Second Coming of my Son, will be adapted and twisted, in order to convince the world that they are witnessing the return of Jesus Christ. The enemies of my Son, who mingle with those innocent servants of His in my Son’s Churches everywhere, will be led into grave error. Their leaders will embrace the antichrist and encourage souls to idolize him. His influence will shock many who remain faithful to God and it is important that you safeguard your souls against his hypnotic appeal.

medal of salvationThe Medal of Salvation, when carried upon your person, will, along with the other Graces it promises, safeguard you against the power of the antichrist. Make no mistake, the antichrist will enthrall many and he will be seen as the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many will believe the antichrist to be a very holy man and, because of his links to my Son’s Church, people in their millions will convert to what they will believe to be the Truth. This false exterior of holiness will bring tears of joy to all those who have had no faith in their lives up to then, nor belief in God. They will lavish praise upon this man and give him the credit for saving their souls.

At first, the antichrist will be seen as a great leader with an appealing, charming and lovable allure. Then in time, he will start to exhibit healing powers and many people will come forward and claim to be healed by him. Many will also claim to witness miracles in his presence. Then a series of false apparitions, in which the image of the sign of the Holy Spirit will be seen, will appear everywhere.

The media will create a godlike image of him and very few will dare to publicly rebuke him. Because of his command of many languages, he will fool millions in a very short period of time. Then, the rumours that Jesus Christ has come back a second time, will begin. These will be fuelled by those who will work tirelessly for the antichrist by spreading lies, until eventually he will be mistaken for my Son. All of these events sound far-fetched now, but when they all unravel before you, it will seem like a natural series of events, which will be seen by many as uplifting.

havemercyThen, just as every evil falsity is presented to the world back to front by Satan – the antichrist, through satanic rituals, will be seen to ascend into Heaven. My Son, on His return, will be seen descending upon the clouds – the reverse of when He ascended into Heaven – just as He promised.

Then, the antichrist and all those who slavishly adored him will be thrown into the lake of fire and peace will be yours, dear children. For all those who remain loyal to the Truth, they will, in the blink of an eye, be raised into the New Paradise, when Heaven and Earth become one.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips

cropped-sacred-and-immaculate-hearts.jpgMy dearly beloved daughter, My Time is close. The closer the Great Day draws, the more signs will be witnessed in the world.

The man they will reveal to the world as the ‘man of peace’ is preparing to imitate Me in every conceivable way. He knows the Holy Scriptures inside out and, because of his parentage, will utter the Words back to front, so that their meaning is inverted.

Out of his mouth will pour the blasphemies, the heresies, the lies and the desecration of My Word. He will impress everyone with his knowledge of all things Sacred. He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him. Continue reading

I will never walk in the flesh again

 Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, all those who say they come in My Name and claim that they are preparing the way for the Lord will make themselves be heard in every part of the world – many voices, many prophets, many liars – all of them, without the Authority of God.

Be alert when you hear, especially, the prophet who tells you that he has a duty to prepare you for My Second Coming. When you hear of these things and when you are told that I will appear in the world, in both body and soul, know that this is not the Truth. I repeat again, My Warning to the world. I will never walk in the flesh again. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds.  Continue reading

He will, by the power of the occult, perform what will be seen to be cures for people who are terminally ill

My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to tell you that the changes, which will prepare the world for My Second Coming, are about to be seen by the whole world.

The wars in the Middle East will accelerate and be widespread. They will involve the West as well as the East. The turmoil will be halted by the man of peace, the beast, the antichrist. Many will, in time, believe that he is God, the Messiah; so much power will he seem to possess. His powers have been accorded to him by the father of evil, Satan.

He will, by the power of the occult, perform what will be seen to be cures for people who are terminally ill. They will be cured of their illnesses temporarily and people will believe that his powers will have come from Heaven. That he is I, Jesus Christ. They will believe that he comes to prepare the world for the New Era and that the Second Coming is taking place before them. Continue reading

This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads

My dearly beloved daughter the great changes in the world, foretold in advance of My Second Coming, are about to unfold layer by layer.

The time for the imposters who will claim to come in My Name and to present themselves to the world is very close.

So many people will be fooled into believing these false prophets for they will announce themselves with great pomp.

But one among them will deceive many for he will present himself as the king, in a humble way, to convince people that he is I, Jesus Christ.

This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads. Continue reading