Protect My Word. Speak of My Word

holy_bibleMy dearly beloved daughter, the greatest pain of the tribulation is that which exists within the Laws of your nations, that oppose the laws of God, in every way, both visible and invisible. For every Law of God, broken by those who run your nations, is now replaced by a silent killer of the soul. Every wrongdoing will be presented as being a good thing. The more wicked the act, the greater will it be applauded. No room will be given to those who proclaim the Truth – the True Word of God – to speak. Their voices will be ignored for the most part. But, when they are heard, they will be denounced as being wicked.

The time has truly arrived for the Truth to be turned inside out and presented as being a lie. The Word will now be deemed by the majority to be a work of fiction – a lie. God’s Laws, however, are difficult to ignore and so it will be that when those who run your nations, when asked to answer for their wicked actions,  will declare that the Word of God is flawed and outdated.

The cunning of the devil has meant that, to ensure his wickedness is accepted, every moral act and deed will be declared to be inhumane and against civil liberty. But, for those who are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, they will still be able to differentiate between right and wrong.   Never before, since the days of Noah, has the world been covered with such deceit. Never before has man sinned like he does now. And, just like in the days of Noah, man’s self-obsession has reached such limits that he believes that he has the power over his own destiny, such is the extent of his narcissism.10commandments judgment

Sin today, is embraced with relish and promoted as being a civil right and therefore you are expected to respect it. If you do not show respect towards sinful acts, then you could find that you will be guilty of a crime. Your crime will be that you uphold the Word of God and for that you will be made to suffer.

How easily man is fooled by the global plan to banish any form of guilt for sinful acts, which are being written into the laws of your nations. All of these things have been foretold and very soon not one wrongful act including murder, euthanasia and abortion will be deemed to be wrong. A time will come when genocide on a grand scale, will follow the introduction of such laws, which will be designed to make legal the lawful killing of those who suffer disabilities and other physical conditions.

Evil laws, enshrined in your nations, will lead to greater laws, which will take all power away from you. You have given authority to those who deny Me – who despise the Laws of God – and because of this, they will introduce more wicked acts, which will cause unimaginable suffering. What may appear to be laws of the land, that promote civil and humane rights, will lead to a form of dictatorship, which will make it an offense to be a Christian.

Protect My Word. Speak of My Word. Do not fall into the trap of embracing any global civil rights campaign, which is designed to convert the world into a new one world religion. To My sacred servants, I call on you to proclaim the Word of God and to deny the wicked acts, which have gripped almost every nation that denies the Word of God.

It is very easy to call for the spread of human rights, but it takes a brave servant of Mine to stand up and declare that acts – which are abhorrent to God – to be against Me. Because, to do that would draw huge criticism and make you unpopular.

Remember what I said  – the man who truly serves Me, honestly, will never be afraid to speak the Truth and he will never seek to be popular. His only goal will be to save souls.

Your Jesus

Sin will not be tolerated by those who receive the Tongues of Fire.

mystery-rosary13My dearly beloved daughter, My Time is drawing closer and, soon, the suffering, the misery and the pain, caused by sin will become extinct.

In the meantime, My Love will sustain the world and for every wrong-doing and acts of evil perpetrated by My enemies, I will put an end to its source. The battle against evil will be won by the Love, which I will instil in the hearts of good souls.

This Love will enrapture all who come into contact with it, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit will fill the souls of all who are blessed with the Love of God.

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the likes of which have not happened since My Apostles were blessed at Pentecost, will awaken the human race. Very few will be unaffected by the Power of the Holy Spirit and they will be powerless against it. Continue reading

Those who opposed My First Coming refused to accept the Will of God

My dearly beloved daughter, My Will is cast in stone and all those who truly love Me, will become entwined within the Divine Will of the Lord. Deny My Will and you cannot become Mine. Rise against Me and I will not allow you to enter My Kingdom, for only those who come to Me, in final surrender of their own free will can truly say that they are of Me. If you are not of Me, how can I win over your ungrateful hearts? Those of you who curse Me; pour scorn on those who uphold My Word; or try to interfere with the Holy Will of God will be thrown into the abyss, when every effort to save you has been exhausted.

When I was born, many of My enemies whose souls were infested by evil spirits, made the life of My Mother very difficult. Those who persecuted her during My Time on earth were unaware, in many cases, as to why they felt such hatred towards her. But suffer she did, in My Name. Those who opposed My First Coming, refused to accept the Will of God, which was to give them freedom from the shackles, which were locked around their ankles and placed there by demons. Continue reading

Sometimes, what may seem unfair is beyond your understanding

My dearly beloved daughter, those who deny Me because they believe that were I to exist, a Loving God would never permit suffering or allow unexpected tragedies, illnesses or premature deaths to take place.

God gives life and He takes it away as He desires and, for every Act of God, good will always come from it, either in the world you live in, or in My Heavenly Kingdom. It is a lack of trust in Me, which creates bitterness in the souls who judge Me on acts they believe to be cruel and unnecessary. What they do not know is that there is a time for everything – a time for living and a time for dying – and that God is the Author of Life. Only He can decide when to take it away. Continue reading

Mother of Salvation: God will never forsake His Own

My dear child, you must tell my children that God will never forsake His Own ever, for this could never be. He loves all of His children, no matter how much sorrow they inflict upon His only Son, Jesus Christ.

My protection will cover every soul who proclaims the Word of God and by the Power of God I will crush the head of the serpent in all his guises. I will be the advocate who will reveal the lies, which pour from the mouth of the beast, and the world will witness the illogical lies, which he will spread amongst those who allow themselves to become willing vessels of his, in complete subjugation to his wicked ways. The king of lies will continue to turn souls away from the Truth and he, the deceiver, will never relent until the final hour. Continue reading

Worry about your own soul first then pray for others.

DivnemercyMy dearly beloved daughter let there be no division amongst My Followers in this mission to save souls, for that is the desire of he who hates Me. When my beloved Christian followers divide, and when they fight each other in My Name, this brings Me great sadness. My sorrow is compounded when those who proclaim My Word then deny it by causing harm to others, through cruel means, in order to inflict venom.

All of God’s children are equal in My Eyes. Know that the good amongst you are not immune to the temptation of Satan, while those with despair and hatred in their hearts are not immune to My Gifts. Each one of you is a sinner.

Do not come before Me ever and tell Me that one soul is not worthy of Me. Do not denounce another person before Me and declare him to be evil; for who are you but just a sinner in My Eyes? Continue reading

Many people declare themselves to be Christians, but they do not love Me

Jesus 3My dearly beloved daughter, now that the Truth of what is to come has spread, conversion has followed Me everywhere, My Prayers for humanity are recited. My Remnant will grow and multiply, as will My enemies. Where My Army goes, the enemies of this Work will follow, relentlessly. Fighting, kicking and spitting venom, you will know them by the evil, which spills from their mouths. You will know My own by the way in which they will be vilified in My Name.

You must never lose courage in the face of hatred. You must understand who is at work in these cases and not acknowledge him, for then you simply empower him. The evil one’s influence over God’s children is manifested and witnessed by the divisions which are separating nations; murders; persecution and the attempts made to wipe out Christianity.

Many people declare themselves to be Christians, but they do not love Me. They insult Me and cause Me great shame. They judge others harshly and feel no guilt or remorse when they slander others – only a burning desire to promote hatred. Cowards, all of those who hide behind a veil of religious piety and dare to declare whether  or not another human being is fit to serve Me. Continue reading

Man responds to love with love, just as hatred breeds hatred

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, let Me bring great Blessings to the world today, as I bestow the Spirit of Love, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, upon every nation. 

This Gift of Love will envelop many, including those who do not accept Me and the world will witness great acts of charity. When you hear of such miracles, when nations will help other nations, who are in great need, then recognize these as signs from Heaven.

My Love will entice many as it is spread through this, My Special intervention, at this special time.

Listen to Me, My beloved disciples for I want you to know that when you pray for peace, My Peace I give you. Continue reading

Love is the only way to defeat hatred. Hatred cannot defeat Love if it comes from God

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, how I long to reach out to those who have lost faith and those who no longer believe in Me, as well as the ignorant. These Messages are for the world – not just the elect, who greet Me with every honour and whose souls are filled with love for Me. I love everyone, but I rely on the faithful to spread the Word of God, so as to enkindle within those hardened closed hearts the fire of My Love. 

If you love Me, you will do onto others all the good deeds that I taught you. You will treat others, as I have loved you. You will be patient with those who scorn you for wearing the badge of Christianity. You will embrace the weak: teach them My Love in all that you say and do. To be a Christian means to uphold My Word in every way.

You must never forget that My Love is Divine. My Divinity is beyond reproach and that the Power of the Holy Spirit is invincible when it is Present in any Work that is Mine. My Works are powerful and will grow and spread like a strong gust of wind with a velocity that is beyond your understanding. Continue reading

I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. My only desire is to save them all

agony_in_the_garden_s1My dearly beloved daughter, My dearest wish is to bring love, peace and happiness to all of God’s children. Never do I desire revenge, no matter how evil the deeds of men are. Nor do I seek to cause humiliation to anyone, although they may humiliate others in My Name. I never seek to ruin a man’s reputation when he is the cause of much destruction in the world. I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. My only desire is to save them all. I cherish the souls of every one of God’s children. I constantly seek them out. I try to draw them to Me. Even those who do not accept My Existence are being sought out by Me every day. I make My Presence felt in their lives by filling their souls with love for others, by drawing on the goodness within them, so that it can conquer negative thoughts, deeds and acts. 

Some souls are naturally receptive to Me and I delight in their generous response and tender hearts. Others have  a barrier between themselves and Me, so that I find it difficult to touch their souls. But, I will keep trying to reach that soul in many different ways, until I can open their hearts to the Power of God’s Love.

Love is the driving force which leads to all good things. Love is present in every child of God from the moment they are born. God’s Gift of love helps humanity to conquer the evil one. When God intercedes and increases love in a soul, He does this to defend His children against the wickedness of the devil. Love is more powerful than hatred, but hatred is patient. Satan, full of hatred for humanity, has no love of any kind, except for himself. He infests humanity by planting hatred within souls who have been weakened because of sin.

Hatred finds a ready home in the souls of those who are jealous, full of pride, lonely and confused. Satan will never tempt a soul into hatred by presenting it to the soul for what it is. Instead, he will tempt the soul through the sin of pride, always, as his first tactic. The soul will be led into believing that he must take umbrage because his own needs dictate that, because he knows best and that he is doing a good thing. 

God’s Love is spreading amongst all of His children at this time. He does this out of His Mercy. He will increase the love within the hearts of man to help humanity fight against the hatred which will soon intensify in the world, when men’s hearts will become cold as stone.

I ask that you recite this Crusade Prayer to seek God’s Love at this time.

Crusade Prayer (149) To seek God’s Lovejesus-my-love1

O Jesus, fill me with the Love of God. Fill me with Your Divine Light and flood me with the love I need to spread the seed of God’s Mercy amongst all nations. 

Allow Your Divine Love to be spread by me amongst all those with whom I come into contact. Spread Your Love, so that it alights upon all souls, all faiths, all creeds, all nations – like a mist to enrapture all God’s children in unity.   Help us to spread God’s Love, so that It can and will conquer all evil in the world. Amen.

Always equate love with the Presence of God. Know that only love can bring Me souls. Know that only love can come from God. Only love has the power to bring peace, contentment and unity among nations. Hatred comes from Satan and wherever you witness it, you must recite the Prayer above to seek out God’s Love. Remember love will conquer all because it comes from God.

Your Jesus