Those who gave away their birthright to the beast, will never come before Me

My dearly beloved daughter, it is through the weak, the vulnerable, the lonely and the humble that I manifest My Divinity. My Power sweeps through such souls into My Holy Will and, it is through them, I can achieve My Plan for the salvation of humanity.

When those who have been called by Me, to proclaim My Holy Word, are diverted from Holy works due to the sin of pride, they try to define My Word with an exaggerated respect for their own human intellect.  They forget that, to follow Me, has already been laid down and that it is My Holy Word that must be heard, and not the sound of their own voices. It is through the sin of lust that they will discard My Word, in their ambitious quest to outshine Me and seek glorification.  It is through the sin of sloth, because of laziness, that they will be guilty of the ultimate betrayal, when they fail to remain loyal to Me because of a lack of faith and courage.  Continue reading

I was deemed to be a wicked man and a false prophet and so they scourged Me

agony_in_the_garden_s1My dearly beloved daughter, I reveal to you today one of the greatest mysteries of the end times.

The sequence of events leading up to the last day is akin to My Crucifixion, which will be re-enacted in every stage, right up to the day when I will come again to salvage the world.

When I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, I was isolated, alone and grief-stricken, because very few believed that I spoke the Truth. My Love for My Father sustained Me, but My Love for humanity meant that the torment which I endured, including mental and physical torture at the hands of Satan, was accepted by Me, albeit with tremendous effort.

How I suffered in that Garden. How I begged My Father for relief. How heartbroken I was when the evil one showed Me how the world would end. He taunted Me, laughed at Me, spat at Me and scoffed, when he showed Me the souls of My enemies, who would, one day, tell the world that they served My Church.  This was like being shown My beloved apostles, denounce Me and then pledge their allegiance to Satan. He showed Me the souls of the faithful, whose voices would be deemed to be that of radical bigots and who would be accused of terrible crimes. I saw those who said that they represented Me, persecute the prophets and the visionaries, as well as those who would seek their destruction. I had to endure great darkness when I saw the world, which I once inhabited, become not only blind as to Who I Am, but who would never have been told about Me.

I was thrown to the ground, My Face pressed into the soil, kicked, whipped and My clothes torn off by Satan. He tormented Me, beyond My human capacity and under extreme endurance of the physical body. Despite this, I was given the strength to continue to face My inevitable Crucifixion, which terrified Me. My Love for man, however, superseded My human fear.

My sacred servants, who will refuse to denounce Me, will also suffer a similar isolation. They will be disgraced and cast aside. Their isolation, will not be condemned by My Church, because of fear within it.scourging at the pillar

When I was scourged, those who carried out the most cruel and vile acts upon My Body rejoiced. I was deemed to be a wicked man and a false prophet and so they scourged Me. They boasted of their holiness, their righteousness and their knowledge of Holy Scriptures, while they vilified My Body. They failed to accept the prophecy that their Messiah would come to save them. Those who will proclaim My Second Coming will endure the same treatment.

When they stripped Me naked, they wanted to humiliate Me further and so they dressed Me in a red rag that barely covered Me, to further desecrate My Body. But, when they plunged thorns, like needles, into My Head, they declared that the Son of Man was an imposter and therefore not worthy of acceptance. They tore My Eye out of its socket, but the pain was inconsequential, compared with their declaration, that I was not accepted as the Saviour of God’s children.

All of these things are to be re-enacted soon, when I, Jesus Christ, as Head of My Church, will be discarded and My Crown taken away from Me. A false leader, the antichrist, will be substituted as My Head, and unlike the Sacrificial Lamb, he will wear a glittering crown of gold. Beneath this façade will lie a rotten core, and along with the lies, falsities, blasphemies and heresies that will pour from his mouth, he will deliver everything as if it were like the honey, which pours from the honeybee’s hive. Be under no illusion, the beast will have a beautiful appearance, his voice soothing, his demeanour grand. He will be handsome and appealing, but out of his mouth will pour venom that will poison your soul.

carrying-the-crossWhen I carried My Cross, I could not do this on My Own. It was so heavy that I could only take one step at a time and walk very slowly. My Body was torn in many places and because of the Blood loss I fainted many times, so weak was I. I was blinded in one eye and the thorns on My Head meant that the Blood, which poured from My Wounds, had to be continually wiped away by those who walked alongside Me. Otherwise, I would never have been able to take another step forward.

The same will be true of My Remnant Church, the last stable of My Body. They will march, just like I did, with a heavy cross, but despite the pain, the abuse, the suffering and the bloodshed, they will endure until the end. For My Precious Blood will flow over their souls in tandem with My Own Sorrow – My Own Crucifixion.  And, on the day, when they will no longer hold the daily Sacrifices of the Mass, My Presence will become extinct. crossofchrist

When the day arrives for My Body – My Church on earth – to be finally plundered, crucified and desecrated, all will change forever.

It is My Body, My Church, while still alive in the world, which sustains life. But when it is destroyed, life, as you know it, will be over. When My Church is betrayed, sacrificed and discarded, just like My Crucifixion, this will mark the end of time.

Your Jesus


Mother of Salvation: Beware of the man, who declares himself to be the Son of Man

10commandments judgmentMy dear child, it has been foretold that many false prophets will arise and that, during this time, they will spread untruths about the Word of God.

They will arise in their hundreds of thousands and be endorsed by those who claim to represent my Son’s servants. They will preach in small, as well as large, groups and you will know them by the false prophecies, which they will reveal to the world. They will be seen as very holy people, and some will say that they have great healing powers of the flesh as well as the spirit. Some will wear the garments of holy men and they will promote a new missal, which will deviate from the Truth.

Many people will be confused by their teachings, as they will mix their false claims with part of the Truth. One of their objectives will be to be seen to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Christ and they will create great anticipation of this event amongst my Son’s followers.

But, it will not be my Son, Jesus Christ, they will be preparing God’s children to welcome.

No. It will be the antichrist.

Grave errors, will be revealed by them in connection with the Book of Revelation as they will twist the contents of this Holy Book.holy_bible

Few will know that they are being fed lies and the greatest untruth, which they will proclaim, will be this. They will say that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, will make Himself known in the world soon. That He will come in the flesh. That he will walk amongst His people and that He will raise them up on the last day. This could never happen for my Son, who came in the flesh, the first time, through His Birth, will never come in the flesh at His Second Coming.

Beware of the man, who declares himself to be the Son of Man, who calls you to him, for he will not be from God. My Son will come in the clouds just as He left the earth during His Ascension into Heaven so, too, will it be on the last day.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Mother of Salvation: The antichrist will take up position because he will be invited to do so

lightning_strikes_vatican_david_wilcock_articleMy dear children, be on your guard for the signs of the times, when the antichrist will take his seat in my Son’s Church on earth, so that this will be clear for you to see.

Do not believe, for one moment, that the antichrist will stride into my Son’s Church and take it aggressively, by force. Inspired and driven by the deceiver himself, the antichrist will take up position because he will be invited to do so.

All the adjustments in the Church’s missals will be made known soon and the reason given will be they reflect a modern world, so they must become inclusive, in order to suit other denominations and religions. Once the True Word of God and Teachings of my Son, Jesus Christ, are changed, they will become barren, for they will not reflect the Truth, given to the world by my Son. Continue reading

Christianity will be detested because it will be seen as a block to personal freedom.

scourging at the pillarMy dearly beloved daughter the world is awash with a new form of spirituality comprising of a belief in a superior being – the one they call the christ – but it is not I, Jesus Christ, they refer to. Satan, in the form of Lucifer, referred to as King of the Light, is idolized not as an evil entity but as one, which performs a deed for God.

This ideology is favoured by secret sects, which set out to destroy Christianity. Many will be drawn into the occult and magic practices because they crave titillation. Once drawn they will become pawns and, in time, possessed by the evil one.

Many people are starved of spiritual satisfaction and crave peace. Any ideology, which claims to bring them self-fulfillment, peace, calm and a deeper understanding of their humanity will be attractive to them. Many, however, will be loathe to follow Me, Jesus Christ, for society has condemned Me to the bowels of the earth. Continue reading

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me

My dearly beloved daughter, you, My dear followers, must know that the gates of Hell will never prevail against My Church, although much of My Church on Earth will be crushed, as foretold. But, the Truth can never die. My Word will never die out nor will My Teachings be forgotten by those who are in true union with Me. 

Only those who remain true to My Word can say they are part of My Church on Earth. Those who applaud any form of tampering of the Holy Gospels or adaptation of My Teachings will no longer be able to claim that they serve Me. Should a holy servant of Mine dare to proclaim an alternative doctrine to the one given to man by My apostles and the prophets, before My Time, they will be immediately expelled. 

I warn all those who embrace anything, which is deemed to be sacred – but which is formed by human hands and creation – and who accept this as Mine, that I will cast you out, for you will no longer be able to call yourselves My servants. And should you lead souls into error, your punishment will begin in your time and will continue long after you depart from this life.  Continue reading

The faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist

priest-in-prayer-gregory-deanMy dearly beloved daughter, the Spirit of Truth, which prevails through My Church on Earth, must be sustained, nurtured and upheld, by those holy servants of Mine to whom I entrusted the care of all of God’s children.

The priests in My Church will soon face challenges, which will mean that many will find it very difficult to uphold My Word.

Everything that is not of Me will be presented to them by the traitors among them.

How I yearn to bring them comfort and how I will do all in My Power to fill their souls with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. I will do this so they will remain alert, calm and in no doubt, when they are asked to participate in doctrine, which will not be of Me. They must, as guardians of My Word, be prepared to remain loyal to Me. Continue reading

Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father

My dear child, I wish to call upon parents of children and young people, all over the world, to consecrate them to my Immaculate Heart. 

My Precious Son, Jesus Christ, desires that I do this, as He will cover them with His Precious Blood and so keep them safe. He wants you, dear children, to do this because He will grant great Graces upon them.

This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He promises great Graces and those children who are presented to me will be protected from the influence of the spirit of evil. 

My Son will do all that is required to unite all families in His New Paradise and by consecrating your children to me, the Mother of Salvation, great Protection will be given to every family whose children’s names are offered to me.

My love for God’s children is very special, for I am the Mother of all God’s children. It will be through me, the Mother of Salvation, that souls consecrated to me, will be saved through the Mercy of my Son. These souls will not be tempted by the deceit, which will be presented to the world by the antichrist.

You must recite this Prayer once a week, before an image of me, your beloved Mother, and bless yourself with Holy Water before you recite it. 

Crusade Prayer (153) The Gift of Protection for children:

O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (List them here…) and present them to your beloved Son.

Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil.

I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favourably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation. Amen.

Go and be thankful for the Love that God has for His children. Great Mercy and Blessings will be accorded to every child and young person whose name you present to me for consecration to my Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Mother of Salvation: The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations

Featured Image -- 24965My dear children, allow the Light of God to descend over you, as the plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ, have been completed. All things will now be according to the Holy Will of God and I ask that you use prayer as your greatest armour, as the battle for God’s children will intensify.

Unlike previous wars, the battle for souls will be very confusing, because the enemy will be perceived as the friend, while the true Church of Christ will be declared to be the enemy.

How strong you will need to be, if you are to become a true Christian soldier. You must never bow to pressure to utter the profanities, which you will be asked to participate in, in public and before the altars of my Son. When you see men elevated to positions of power, in my Son’s Temples, and who demand that you bow in reverence before them, but where there is no sign of the Cross, then run, for you will be drawn into error. You will know that the time for the antichrist to enter my Son’s Church has arrived, when the tabernacles have been adjusted and, in many cases, replaced with wooden versions.

Children, please be aware that many of you will turn your backs on the Truth, because you will find the Truth almost impossible to accept. The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations, in many churches, of all Christian and other denominations.

All the rules will have been changed; the Liturgy recreated; the Sacraments tampered with; until, finally, the Mass will no longer be celebrated according to Holy Doctrine.

By then and on the day the antichrist sits proudly on his throne, the Presence of my Son will be no more. Then, from that day onwards, it will become difficult for those who love my Son to remain loyal to Him, as they should, because every abomination will be presented before you. When enough distractions surround you and when it will become an offense to question the new hierarchy, you will be tempted to give up and accept the one world religion, for fear of losing friends and family.

vierge-marie-mere-pretresGod’s Army – the Remnant – will grow and spread and the Crusade Prayers will provide great strength to all. My Son will intervene and carry you through the challenges, which lie ahead and you will know that it will be His Power that will give you courage and perseverance. For only the strong amongst you will remain true to the Holy Word of God, but even if the Remnant Army is but a fraction of the size of the army of the beast, God will fill it with the power of a lion. He will strengthen the weak and give them great Graces. He will weaken the power of those who will become devotees of the antichrist. All of these events will seem frightening, but, in truth, these events will seem to many as a new era of unity and peace in the world. People will applaud the new one world church and say: “what a great miracle has been created by God.” They will be in great awe of the men, both from within the church and from outside of it, who have brought about such unity. Great praise and honour will be lavished upon these men and then they will be greeted by loud chanting, as well as a special sign of recognition, in every public gathering.

There will be rejoicing, celebrations and honorary ceremonies, where heretics will be awarded great accolades. You will see great wealth, unity among different creeds and men of honour being treated like living saints – all except one. The one I refer to is the antichrist and they will believe that he is Jesus Christ.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

They will lead millions of Catholics into grave error and My Churches will lose their Sanctity

dmd-e1488719388931My dearly beloved daughter, prophecies are not revealed to man, by God, to create sensation. They are given to prepare humanity for their future in My Kingdom, so that they can be forewarned of potential dangers to their souls. Every Intervention by the Command of My Father, in your lives, is for your own good and that of other souls.

My Prophecies, given to you, My daughter, have well and truly commenced. The imposters have taken control, from within, and they will continue to fool the world into believing that a new doctrine – one where changes to the existing Holy Doctrine, laid down by God, have been made – can be amended, to suit the lives of all men and all religions. 

Beware of the word “ecumenical” or any attempt to take My Church on Earth and strip it of its Divinity.

He who tampers with the Liturgy is not an authentic servant of Mine and yet, that is exactly what will happen. And what will My sacred servants do? They will bow their heads, raise their arms in glorious praise for the new false doctrine and deny All that I gave the world. Their love of worldly matters; their desire to be admired and their lofty ambitions will strip them of their vows. They will become traitors and turn their backs on Me. They will lead millions of Catholics into grave error and My Churches will lose their Sanctity. Soon after, as the kernel of My Church is desecrated, they will gather all other Christian faiths and devise new ecumenical sects, which will lead to the public declaration, which will deny the existence of Hell.

Then, working backwards, in exactly the opposite direction to the Truth, all the faithful will be told that sin is in the eye of the beholder and that, because of original sin, it is impossible to avoid it. Therefore, you will be told, it is not something to worry about. Sin itself will be redefined. Once that happens, all sense of morality will die. When morals are no longer deemed to be important, then sin will become rampant. Sin will spread, escalate, until society will break down and for those who will remain true to My Church – the True Church – it will be a sight of horror to witness.

People will boast of sin, openly flaunt their lack of morality and the new world religion will dictate that sin will never block you or damage you, in the Eyes of God. The god they will refer to is Satan, but they will never tell you this. To mock Me, they will present you with the antichrist, who will be enthusiastically received, because he will be applauded by the false prophet and idolized by him. The antichrist will do everything that contradicts My Teachings, but he will do it with charisma and charm. Millions will adore him. He will be all that I Am not. He will fool so many, that it will be easy for him to lead God’s children into heresy and terrible desolation.

divine-mercy-sundayI Am preparing you all for this day. It is very difficult for many of you to hear this news, but it is the Truth. The Truth will free your souls from death. Fight the Truth and nothing good will come from this – only despair. Prevent others from remaining loyal to My Church, by encouraging them to follow the heresy, which is about to be inflicted upon the world by My Church, from within, and you will be thrown to the lions. Those who destroy the souls of others, by force, face the greatest punishment by My Hand. 

Accept the Truth and prepare yourselves. Follow Me and I will lead you safely to My Kingdom. Follow the beast and he will lead you and those you bring with you into the fires of Hell for eternity.

Your Jesus