The evil spirit of Jezebel will do all she can to infiltrate My Church on earth

jezebelMy dearly beloved daughter, the evil spirit of Jezebel has planned a great assault against My Mission to salvage souls.

This traitor and destroyer of God’s prophets, has established herself on earth as God’s teacher, and manifested amongst My people, to seduce them and lead them away from My Church, in what will be the greatest apostasy of all time. She will be responsible for My Church committing adultery with the princes of a secular world that will bring about a union, which is abhorrent to God and an abomination in His Eyes.

Present, both in the hearts of men and women alike, Jezebel is one of the most evil, intelligent and cunning demons in Satan’s hierarchy and works in many ways to mislead My people. She works through a group, who claim to be of Me, but who are involved with a satanic cult. Well versed in theology, this demonic spirit speaks to this group using different languages and causes great confusion, hurt and division, among those who have accepted My Cup. These self-appointed experts of My Word do not come from Me. And, while their hatred of Me is evident, by the filth that pours out of their mouths, there are other ways in which they will try to harm My final Mission.battle-between-good-and-evil

You will recognise this enemy of God by constant attempts to declare her followers to be prophets of God. Many of them will come forward and declare that I, Jesus Christ, speak through them. Jezebel will flourish and breed lies by attaching her wicked and arrogant spirit to self-appointed prophets, who will then try to use this Mission to give their voices legitimacy.

The evil spirit of Jezebel will do all she can to infiltrate My Church on earth, using every conceivable tactic. Through her influence, she will lead many good souls away from Me, in My Church, and undermine the Word of God. Working amongst men and women, she will use sorcery and witchcraft, to create the impression of miracles. This is yet another adversary of Mine, who, under the influence of Baal, will try to harm God’s genuine visionaries and prophets in the final battle for souls.

Beware of those who boast of their knowledge of theology and who dare to say they come from Me when all that they speak springs from jealousy and an intense hatred of God’s prophets. Such infested souls will try to manipulate you and intimidate anyone who opposes them. If you continue to follow My final mission on earth, to salvage souls, they will do all they can to wear you down.

Those who are influenced by the spirit of Jezebel will work, relentlessly, to attack Me. This wicked spirit, through the weak souls she captures, will use demonic means to slander, belittle and incite hatred against those who follow Me. Run, when you are confronted by these infested souls. Do not underestimate them, because under the influence of Jezebel, they will try to cause unimaginable harm to those who engage with them.

Learn to recognise the evil spirit of Jezebel, because she will speak with great authority about Me, through those she possesses.  They will speak with an in-depth knowledge of the Holy Sacraments and use extracts from the Holy Bible, but only so they can misquote them to undermine My Word.  You will see Jezebel attack this Mission with spiteful relish. Her devoted followers are stubborn, domineering, full of pride and deeply committed to this adversary of Mine, who has seized their souls under her powerful influence. You must never engage with the spirit of Jezebel, because if you do, she will destroy you, just as she has done those cohorts of hers.

JesuscomforterBe wary of anyone who comes forward and who says they have been sent by Me, to help spread My Word. Know that I have not appointed one single prophet to communicate My Word to the world since this Mission began. But out they will come, these false prophets, in their droves, each one trying to outdo the other. They will then try to use this mission to garner support, so that they can spread untruths. 

All those who may be seduced by the evil spirit of Jezebel, and who respond in any way to this spirit, will soon find that all love for Me will come to an abrupt end.  You place your soul in great danger when you fall for the lies of Jezebel, sent from the bowels of the abyss to destroy My Church and My prophets in these times.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: All references to Hell have been abolished and man has been misled into a false sense of security

medal of salvationMy Child, as long as Satan’s reign exists, on Earth, the Truth will always be suppressed. Since my Son’s death on the Cross, every attempt to spread His Word has been thwarted. And, since Christianity spread, many cracks appeared and the Doctrine dictated by my Son, Jesus Christ, through His disciples, was adapted.

The Truth has always been tampered with, but despite this, the Word of God still remains alive in the world and the Presence of my Son, through the Holy Eucharist, has been maintained.

The Truth, regarding the existence of Satan and the reality of Hell, has been suppressed for many decades and this has had a detrimental effect on the salvation of humanity. All references to Hell have been abolished and man has been misled into a false sense of security. So now, today, few people believe in the existence of the devil or the abyss of Hell. This lie has been the scourge of humanity and, as a result, many souls have been lost, because Hell is denied. Mortal sin is no longer deemed to be a reality and so no attempt is made to avoid it. Those who serve my Son, Jesus Christ, in His Churches have a duty to prepare souls, so that they are fit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. cling-to-rock

Hell can be avoided, through an understanding of the consequences of mortal sin, yet not one word is mentioned of it. Souls are lost because they are never instructed properly how to avoid sin and seek repentance. To become worthy to enter my Son’s Kingdom, you must spend time living your lives, according to the Word of God. Please do not ignore the Truth, for if you do, you will be lost.

Pray, pray, pray that humanity will accept the existence of Satan, because until they do, they will never truly accept my Son’s Promise of Redemption.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Very soon, Hell will be formally declared as a place, which does not exist

crossofchristMy dearly beloved daughter, were it not for Me, Jesus Christ, where I speak to the world at this time, many souls would never enter the Gates of Paradise.

So many ungrateful souls no longer obey My Laws and so they create their own interpretation, which I find repulsive. Rules relating to the Truth were given, as a Gift to humanity, as a means to enable man to earn the right to salvation. Don’t you know that you cannot live by your version of the Laws of God and then expect to enter Paradise?

The arrogance of man has overtaken the spirit of humility. Man no longer serves God in the way in which he was commanded to. Instead, he creates, out of his own imagination, a vision of what he believes Heaven to be. Today, no servant of Mine – those appointed to serve Me – ever refers to the existence of Hell.

The mere mention of the word Hell embarrasses My sacred servants, for they fear the ridicule they would have to face from a secular society, which has been deceived. Hell is home to many poor souls and how it pains Me to see unsuspecting souls, plunge into the abyss of terror, at the moment they take their last breath.

God’s children must be told now of the urgency to pray for souls who are blind to the Truth. Very soon, Hell will be formally declared as a place, which does not exist. Souls will be told that all of God’s children, once they live reasonable and dignified lives – irrespective as to whether they believe in God, or not – will be given Eternal Life. But this will be a lie. There is no return from Hell. It is for eternity.

Many souls who outwardly rejected Me, both privately and in public, languish in Hell. Their bitter regret is made worse by their terrible painful suffering and hatred of Satan. Once in Hell, Satan reveals himself to them in all of his wicked and vile forms and his hatred of them fills them every second. Their revulsion of him, in itself – the same beast to whom they paid homage during their lives on Earth – is the cause of much of their pain. But, it is their separation from Me and the pain of darkness which they experience, which creates the greatest anguish. 

Any man who tells you, in My Name, that Hell does not exist has no interest in helping you to save your soul. When you are convinced that Hell does not exist, then you wrongly assume that sin is irrelevant.

You cannot serve Me if you believe that sin does not exist. You cannot live a glorious life for eternity in My Kingdom, if you do not ask Me to forgive you your sins. This is the kernel of the new, soon to be introduced, doctrine, which you will be forced to swallow. This is when you will be tricked into neglecting to prepare your soul for the Great Day of the Lord, when I come to claim you as Mine.

I tell you this to warn you – not to frighten you. I beg you to accept sin as part of your lives, but I urge you to continue to avoid the seven deadly sins, for when you do, you will be in My Favour. You must always confess your sins. Do this daily. Talk to Me and ask Me to forgive you. For those of you who cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession – those who follow many faiths and religions – then you must accept the Gift I gave you of the Plenary Indulgence.

Look after your soul, for it is your soul which will live forever. You will live in only one of two places, for eternity – in Hell or in My Kingdom.

Your Jesus

Know that the pain of rejection will be exactly as I, and My apostles, had to suffer during My Time on Earth

carry the crossMy dearly beloved daughter, not one man amongst you is so clean of soul that he can judge others in My Name. But know this, those of you who are loyal to Me and who follow My Teachings – you will have to bear much sorrow when you have to witness the greatest evil abomination, which faces the world.

In the name of social justice and social compassion, the false prophet will set out, what the world will believe to be, to evangelise and create a modern church. This church will be seen to reach out to all sinners and to embrace those sinners whose sins are not acceptable by Me.

You, My beloved followers, will be viewed as a heretic sect, because you will continue to proclaim the Truth. All attempts to remain true to Me will be attacked vigorously. You will be outcast and declared to be right-wing dissidents. Any attempt to retain the traditions of the Sacred Ceremonies will be ignored.

The power of those who will mislead My churches on Earth must not be underestimated, as millions of sacred servants will embrace the new false doctrine. They will, mistakenly, believe that this new doctrine is a form of evangelism. Their support, as willing servants of the abomination, will make it very difficult for those Christians who know the Truth. Their voices will be like whispers amidst the screams of those who will become slaves to lies, created in My Name.

Know that the pain of rejection will be exactly as I, and My apostles, had to suffer during My Time on Earth. The priests of the day, who claimed to love God, had no hesitation in silencing the voices of My disciples, who brought them the news of Who I was. This time, as I herald My Second Coming, My prophets and My disciples will find it harrowing when their voices will be dismissed and they will be accused of blasphemy.

While My followers expand and grow, they will be like paupers and they will climb the Hill of Calvary – naked, with nothing except their faith. While they will keep the Flame of My Light alive in My Church – My True Church – they will never deviate from the Truth and they will carry on their backs a heavy cross.

carrying-the-crossThis is the cross of salvation, for on their poor, weary backs they will carry the sins of those who deserted Me. Their lot will be hard. Because of their love for Me, they will suffer because of others, in order to save their sorry souls.

These souls do not deserve to be saved. They will only be saved because I choose to save them. They will have insulted Me, caused terrible suffering to My loyal followers and tormented My Remnant Army.

Yet, I will save them because of the faith of those in My Remnant Army.

Those other people, who have sold their souls to the beast, know this. You may not believe in Hell, but I will reveal to you what suffering it will bring you. The day I will show you the levels of torture in Hell, it will terrorise you and many of you will scream for My Mercy. And I will save you, if you ask Me to forgive you. I will do this during the Day of the Great Warning. Those of you, who witness the burning fires of Hell, but who will not turn to Me – you will not survive The Warning and that moment when you reject Me will be your last.

All those, who remain loyal to Me and true to My Word – though you will suffer – the future ahead of you is one of great glory.

Those who will not heed My Warning or listen to the Truth will be in great danger.

Those of you, who idolise the beast and who follow the false prophet into the new world religion, will be thrown in the burning fires of Hell, alive, with these two.

The Truth is bitter to taste, but when you accept it, it will bring you Eternal Life, where you will enjoy My Kingdom forever with your loved ones. Do not cut off the umbilical cord to Eternal Life, for you will suffer such terrible suffering and you will never be given a reprieve.

Your Jesus

The Tower of Babel will, once again, be erected and presented as a temple of God

dmcMy dearly beloved daughter, who can deny My death on the Cross? Who can deny that I gave up My Life so that the Truth would save sinners everywhere?  Then who amongst you will, when the time comes, deny the Truth of My Church on earth when it is taken apart stone by stone?

You have been given the Truth. You know My Teachings. So then, you will know My Church by My Teachings. My Church on Earth is the Truth. My Church on Earth is My Body. So if a man amongst you scourges My Body, then re-invents My Teachings and then presents to you lies, will you deny Me then?

I, Jesus Christ, do not tell you this to divide you.

I tell you these things so that you will honour My Teachings, uphold the Holy Sacraments and remain firm to the Truth. Continue reading

Many believe Hell to be, merely, a Place from Folklore

 My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart’s desire is to save those people, who commit terrible sin, from the torture of Hell.

 For every mortal sin committed, the pain of fire will tear the soul apart as if it were made of flesh. The cries of anguish and terror, from such souls, as they are pulled into the depths of Hell, break My Sacred Heart.

My Heart is cut and the terrible pain I feel is because of these poor souls. Many people alive on earth, at this time, are in terrible danger. This, because so many believe that mortal sin is merely a minor fault and as a result, justify it. And, then, they continue on a path of self-destruction.  Unless they can see what grave errors they are making, they will suffer damnation, where they will burn in agony, for eternity. Continue reading

When they try to create a Sacrament, in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples

My dearly beloved daughter, the visions I allowed you to be shown, of souls plunging into Hell, was not to frighten you. Instead, it was to show you the reality. In this way you will now understand how I suffer, every day, as I watch souls plunge into the depths of Hell.

Oh if people only knew the terror of Hell, and the way in which the beast devours such souls, they would avoid sin at all costs.

Those same souls can still be saved, My daughter, through the prayer of the Grace of Immunity. By doing so, you, My disciples, will bring Me relief from this terrible heartbreaking scourge.

Those, who die in mortal sin, are destined for the fires of Hell. Many commit these sins, in the belief that if there really is a God, then, He is merciful. And so, they continue to sin, until they justify their sins, so that they become, eventually, in their eyes, to be of no consequence.

They will say that they had no choice because their sin was necessary in order to benefit others. Continue reading

The billions of souls already in Hell are those who rejected Me shamelessly during their life

My dearly beloved daughter, the vision I permitted you to witness last night, was to strengthen your spirituality, and to show you the Truth of life after death.

During the first hours after death, Satan sends his demons to tempt souls – even at that stage.

He tempts them to reject the state of Purgatory. He does the same thing to those, who have died in a state of grace, who are destined for Heaven.

I showed you the speed by which souls plunge into Hell and the terrifying persecution they face, in order to warn those who do not believe it exists.

Billions of souls are there already, and there are so many entering every second, that it appeared to you like a shower of fallen stars, like a hailstorm, falling into the lake of fire. Continue reading

So many lies, where the existence of Hell is denied, will be the downfall of Christians

cling-to-rockMy dearest beloved daughter, no matter how difficult your physical suffering is, you must recognise that as it continues to intensify, that it is as I feel. Your suffering reflects just a fraction of My own suffering. In union with Me, you will know that for every pain and interior darkness of the soul you experience, you will know the torment I endure because of the sins of mankind.

Many people mistakenly believe that My suffering, began and ended, on the Cross.

My suffering will not end until all of God’s children are united in love and harmony, where no sin will exist in My Father’s New Paradise.

No matter how much humanity has been told about My Existence, I Am still hated.

Amongst believers, although I Am accepted, My Teachings are only tolerated by them, based on their own terms.

Many will treat others with love and kindness, but only if those to whom they offer this gift come up to their own ideologies. Continue reading

Fornication, pornography and prostitution – all mortal sins

My dearly beloved daughter, man must turn away from sin and soon. So many sins today, are no longer seen as such. So many grievances, against My Father, are committed without any guilt.

Children, you must stop. You are destroying your lives. Satan taunts Me, as he boasts of those souls he steals from Me, every single second. If you saw the souls, millions of them, tumbling into the fires of eternity, you would die of shock.

How it breaks My Heart to witness the terror that these souls, who lived in terrible sin when they were on Earth, have to suffer. The sins they were guilty of are not always those you presume to be mortal sin. Continue reading