Miracles & Mystical Events Regarding the Book of Truth

cardsealThis is one of many testimonies that have been sent in. Mission team member writes, “The very first Maria Divine Mercy related miracle I heard of came from a Melbourne lady, Penny. She is a very substantial, devout and prayerful lady. She is married to a medical doctor and together they have traveled to many third world countries where her husband has been providing his medical expertise to help the poor in those countries.  She came forward at those talks informing us of the signs, miracles and mystical experiences that had happened to them.

Following the Australian mission was the USA Book of Truth Mission, in which more people came forward with their extraordinary and wonderful stories of Divine Intervention.
The various missions that followed, have continued to result in accounts of these interventions, providing confirmation from God that indeed the messages He is giving to the world through Maria Divine Mercy are authentically from Heaven…. Click link below to read more

Source: Miracles & Mystical Events Regarding the Book of Truth